Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Moi, hei, bonjour and all relevant greetings, welcome to this, my first attempt at a blog! I can't promise miracles, but I'll give it my best shot =). Anyway, an explanation of what I'll be rambling about; inspired by a crisis of conscience last weekend, i made a decision to change my ways and start to *really* commit myself to minimising environmental impact. I spent most of yesterday (in bed, i have the sore throat from hell =( ) reading The Frugal Girl and My Zero Waste and thinking, i could do that..ish.
At this point i had already started my change: doing my weekly food shop yesterday, i made a concerted effort to avoid packaging whenever possible, which started by buying Onya Weigh bags and milk (in proper bottles!!) from a fabulous shop called Unpackaged, before heading to waitrose to do my shopping.
My goal was not to change my diet, but to change my weekly impact on the environment. Armed with the onyaweighs, i managed to get a squash (loose), cooking apples, pears, loose bread (having sussed that that evil plastic covers everything bready!). This self-imposed challenge opened my eyes however, to just how much is covered in plastic. Cabbages, Chicken, nuts and fruits (now that i know that i can get them loose from unpackaged), cheese, everything! It's not only scary, it's wasteful!
Now, chez les parents, we have an allotment right next to the garden, chickens in the garden, a compost bin, and seperate collections of landfill waste, recycling and 'green' waste. Going from that to the centre of london, where one buys eggs (i mean, wtf?) and there's nowhere to compost stuff =( is hard. (at this point i should explain, I'm a student, living in a flat with no garden or balcony, our council takes plastic, glass, tins and cardboard, but not kitchen or garden waste). It means extra effort to do the things that are so easy back home.
I am *not* a city girl. I hardly ever buy new clothes (even though i'm a vain little so-and-so), and would much rather be living in an ironage roundhouse on the isle of Skye, so i am aching for greenery, animals and land. This isn't going to happen for a while however, so i'll have to put up with a window box and the pidgeons.
Anyway, back to the point. I plan to update with my efforts, failures and musings once a week, or more maybe. and pictures! there may be pictures! seeing as how i aim to have as little packaging as possible, i'll probably put photos of my weekly packaging for the week (this week was some plastic over lettuce). I also plan to switch my cosmetics over to organic/no waste options as and when they run out, so will be able to review those as well =)
Feel free to make suggestions, criticisms (constructive!) or bizzare comments, they'll make me happy =)

Oh, yeah, i'm rubbish at computers, and can't do html, so i'll have to give y'all links like this instead =)

1 comment:

Almost Mrs Average said...

Hi Ally - saw you over at Mrs G's site. Just wanted to say welcome to the blogosphere and good luck in slimming your bin. :-D